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Restoration Program

The NFJDWC partners with private landowners, state, federal, and tribal organizations to accomplish in-stream and upland restoration in the North Fork and the Middle Fork John Day River. Restoration projects aim to protect and restore the region's natural resources, address ecological habitat limiting factors for fish and wildlife, and improve operations on working lands.  

Upland Restoration


Degradation of upland habitat and farmlands have far reaching impacts downstream, including soil run-off and pervasive weeds. Increasing upland restoration activities can help promote better soil health, increased water storage capacity, and more efficient grazing. These are some of types of restoration actions that NFJDWC focuses in the John Day Basin uplands:

  • Invasive weed control

  • Forest stand improvement

  • Aspen restoration

  • Brush management

  • Juniper control

  • Spring development

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Riparian, Floodplain, & In-stream Restoration


Simplification of steam channels and floodplains has led to degraded fish habitat. Restoring a river to more natural conditions can increase the water table, lower stream temperature, and provide habitat for juvenile and adult fish. These types of projects have also been show to increase the amount of quality forage and halt annual bank erosion. NFJDWC implements projects involving in-stream restoration actions such as:

  • Riparian fencing

  • Riparian planting

  • Channel modification

  • Restoration of floodplain topography & vegetation

  • Culvert & diversion installation & repair
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